GSF Black

GetSportsFocus - GSF 5v5 Open #5 Tournament [Event is Over]


1. Maximum of 25 Players per Team.
2. AGE DIVISIONS: 18U , 15U , 14U , 12U, 10U , 8U.
3. SENIORS are allowed but cannot turn 19 before JANUARY 1st.
4. The age cutoff date for each age division is January 1st. The player will be allowed to play in the division based on their age on January 1st.
5. All players must have an ACTIVE players card from Zorts to be eligible for events.
6. Maximum of 2 coaches per roster - Team Managers , Club Admins & Team Photographers WILL NOT receive a coaches band.
7. Players are  NOT eligible to play up in higher age divisions
8. Players are NOT eligible to play down (Ex. A 13 Year Old can play 15u but cannot play 12u)
9. Players CANNOT play on a different team or the same age group within the same event.
10. All Players will be issued a wristband indicating their age division.
Wristbands must be worn the entire weekend. If a player loses his wristband there will be a $5 charge to replace it.  
10. In the event that a player's wristband is damaged or removed prior to their scheduled gameplay , the player WILL NOT be allowed to play or be on the sideline. The player will have to return to check-in to be issued a new wristband.
11. If the player's wristband is removed or damaged during scheduled game play the player may finish the game but must return to check-in to receive a new wristband before the start of their next game.
12. No players will be allowed to play or be on the sideline without a valid wristband
13. Players will be issued the same wristband as they received upon initial check-in. Players must be in a “checked-in” status and WILL NOT be able to request a wristband for a new team or age division for any reason
14. All players must wear their own team's uniform and jersey must have numbers - Players with same numbers CANNOT be on the field at the same time.
15. Players are permitted to wear standard football cleats with plastic or rubber spikes. NO Metal spikes are allowed at any time.
16. Mouthpieces ARE MANDATORY and must be worn at all times during gameplay. (QB’s must be wearing a mouthpiece in order to tag off after throwing an interception) If a player is caught without a mouthpiece he/she will be removed from the field of play immediately and cannot return until compliant.
17. Teams will be given 1 Mouthpiece Warning , any violation after will result in a penalty  
18. Players are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to wear helmets during gameplay.
19. Helmets must be fully strapped if worn.

Note: QB’s are not mandated to wear a mouthpiece. However , if a QB does not have a mouthpiece in at the time He/She throws an interception , the QB will not be able to pursue the defender. Doing so will result in an automatic TD for the defense

1. Each team is permitted a maximum of 2 coaches on the sideline during the game
2. The 2 coaches have free gate entry at the event (Team Managers , Club Admins , Coaches Spouses will NOT receive a coaches band)


1. Off-Sides = Loss of Down
2. False Start = Loss of Down
3. Illegal Formation = Loss of Down
4. Illegal Shift = Loss of Down
5. Illegal Motion = Loss of Down
6. Delay of Game = Loss of Down
- A. The offense will have 25 seconds to snap the ball once it has been marked for play and blown live. Offensive team is responsible for retrieving and returning the ball to the line of scrimmage
7. Blocking is not allowed and will result in a loss of down and the ball will be returned to the previous line of scrimmage.
8. Pass Interference (OPI) - Return to previous spot and loss of down (Receivers cannot shove defenders to create space

9. Unsportsmanlike or Unnecessary Roughness = 15 yard penalty
10. Excessive Celebration is NOT ALLOWED and will result in a 15 yard penalty.
If this occurs during an extra point attempt , the extra point will not count and 15 yards will be assessed towards your Defense.
Excessive Celebration (After a TD or PAT) - Coaches or Players leaving their sideline to celebrate with on-field teammates or on-field players through their actions are delaying game officials for marking the ball ready-to-play will be assessed a 15 yard penalty

*** While we encourage celebrations , We DO NOT tolerate taunting. Keep it fun and keep it quick. Do Not unnecessarily delay the game. Resulting in doing so will result in a penalty. If during the celebration your players cross the others teams hash you till be penalized for taunting ***
*** Bald Head/Head Tap Rule: A bald Head or Head tap after a catch over an opponent will result in an Unsportsmanlike penalty against the player commiting the foul. Bald Head/Head Tap is defined by gathering around a player in a group or individually with hands waving over top of the head or touching the opponent's head after a catch or touchdown. This includes touching or throwing football at an opponent’s head.
*** Two (UNS) penalties will result in an ejection from that game.

Offsides - 5 yard penalty
Pass Interference (DPI) - 10 yard penalty/ automatic 1st down
If previous spot is from the 10 yard line or in - the penalty is half the distance to the goal line/ automatic 1st down
If the foul occurs less than 10 yards from previous spot - the penalty is a spot foul
     3. Defensive Holding - 5 yard penalty from previous spot and replay the down
     4. Excessive tag - 15 yard penalty and automatic 1st Down
     5. Illegal Participation (more than 7 on the field) - 5 yard penalty/1st down
     6. Excessive Celebration - Will not be tolerated and will result in a 15 yard penalty
     7. Any dead ball penalty on the defense that occurs after a change of possession will result in a loss of down for that teams offense when they begin their ensuing possession
     8. It’s the defensive player’s responsibility to avoid contact. The defense is allowed initial disruption within 5 yards. Then must cover.
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