
Good morning! Lots of questions pertaining to seeds. These are the tiebreakers.
1. Run Differential (+/-7 max per game). The reason for the max is if a team has a harder schedule than others, they can't blow out a team by 20 and secure the top seed in one game.
2. Runs allowed - if teams have the same run differential then it goes to runs allowed. The team that gives up less is the higher seed.
3. Runs scored - If the first two tie breakers are the same it goes to runs scored.

We had one situation where the Kings and Venom were both run differential 0 so it went to runs allowed which the Kings gave up 5 and Venom gave up 6.

Another situation was the Thunder and Dirtbags both had the same run differential. They also had the same runs allowed (36). It went to runs scored which put the Thunder ahead as the 9 seed and Dirtbags 10.

Hopefully this gives a little clarity. Unfortunately the app doesn't account for the max +/- 7 run differential so we had to manually enter the standings.

The weather is warmer today. Good luck to all teams and thank you for playing this weekend!
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